'Second Glances' 2024 Media Junket

Near the end of 2023 I concluded that I was not really adequately managing my photography marketing very well.

People generally loved my imagery on social media, but it was drip-drip-drip. I’d never set out to shoot photographs for likes. What I really wanted was my photos to hang on walls or be seen as a collection of work.

In November I’d started on a photobook as a thank you for an artist (and community leader) who had invited me to an after-work meet-up with a number of influential Twitter locals. That thank you book got me looking at my photo work in a different way, as more of thematic collections. One thing lead to another and I self-published that book in December 2023. To support the charity where I work, I profit shared on book sales and started giving interviews to the local media to raise awareness.

Here are some news stories.

CBC Edmonton News | with Nancy Carlson

Aired January 26/2023

Watch At: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2304144963512

The Gateway | Uofa Student newsPaper

Written by Lily Polenchuk | Published January 5/2023

Read At: https://thegatewayonline.ca/2024/01/u-of-a-alumnus-captures-the-unordinary-in-edmonton-through-runtography/